Great app you can listen on the way to work, are on a long drive . Doctor Stanley is truly missed.
Great app you can listen on the way to work, are on a long drive . Doctor Stanley is truly missed.
One of the best Christian resources available.
I read the Bible and it is handy to have the app. Sadly I am too young to listen to the sermon. I will when I get older. But either way I love it!
Dr.Stanley is my fav Pastor. I am just sorry I never got a chance to attend his Church. What a Great Man. He did so much to spread the Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ all over the world. God Bless him.🙏🏽
Love Charles Stanley and looking forward to meeting him in heaven! This app is very straightforward and easy to use. Great content!
I have been listening to Charles Stanley for 30 years because my grandmother used to listen to him. I’m thankful that they created this app because whenever I’m cleaning the house ever since my kids were little I have always walked around listening to this app. It’s so convenient and nice that you could just pick the radio. If you’re driving, you can pick the audio. Charles has always been clear and tells you right and the truth of what we need to hear from God’s word. He doesn’t fluff it to make it sound better for you. He preaches right from the Bible. Charles Stanley has always been my favorite preacher and he missed now. I hope he’s enjoying heaven because he’s a great legacy for all of us.
Dr Stanley helped get me through very hard times and pushed me to start reading the Bible. I still listen to Dr Stanley multiple times a week.
This man who was GOD’s slave taught so many truths, straight out of the Bible and I am so thankful for his preaching, his ministry and his life and I thank GOD for allowing me to hear Rev Stanley the last 20+ years after finding my way back to GOD, YEHOVAH! Thank you so very much InTouch for this app and keeping Rev Stanley’s teachings and insights that GOD sent us through him available to all who have listened as well as all who WILL listen and come to the saving redemption in Grace that Jesus gave His holy life for each of us. Great app that you are working on and I appreciate all you do. 🙏❤️
Great sermons that help with life experiences!!
This seems to be turning into an Andy Stanley app, which is really sad. I’ll probably delete it. I had a feeling this would happen.
There’s no new Today On Radio Sermon 4/19/23
turns iPad version into iPhone version; reduced screen size and rolled to portrait view instead of landscape making it much harder to read with old eyes. we use this app daily and hope you will correct this soon!
Please put a feature on the daily devotions where we are able to save it and have a list to what we saved so we can go over it again whenever we want, thank you
I thank God for Dr Charles Stanley. For his messages speak deep to the heart and put life in prospective the way God wants us to live; a safe and holy life. What I like about Dr. Stanley is that he talked to you in a loving manner but yet directly to the point and what we need to hear. He not ashamed to tell it like God wants him to say it. He is a faithful and true servant of God. I appreciate him lots. His guidance and direction comes from Gods Word. He is just the messenger. He is a humble and wonderful man of God. Thank you for sharing the good news with the world!! 👍☺️🙏🏼
So blessed to have this great app from InTouch Ministries! This is well done full of everything necessary in an app to learn about God’s Word and Christ’s Salvation Charles Stanley is among the best of preachers in America. This app includes 24/7 radio of Charles Stanley teaching about Jesus, Daily Devotional recordings with Scripture depictions and articles as well as Sunday videos from InTouch Ministries.
Often times I want to share a sermon from the 24/7 radio service. Sometimes these sermons are deep in the index. Can we get a search bar in the latest radio sermons? God bless. Charles Stanley you da man!!
Great App Very functional & easy to use God bless you all for the work you’ve done to make this available for anyone
So disappointing - in order to get the Daily Devotion to load the current day’s program, I have to restart the phone each time. I’ve complained twice over the last six months to inTouch but never even received a response. On the good side, I’ll be saving the annual $300 donation I had been giving to them.
I love listening to Dr. Stanley’s sermons. He has helped me to understand God’s words better. I’m grateful for the app. However I wish there’s a way for us to search for a particular sermon or to favorite it. So we can refers back to it quickly.
For some reason the devotional sound track is not the same as the printed devotional. Since 1/16/22 it has been off and today is 1/18/22 this is so frustrating. It is playing a moment with Charles Stanley on 1/17 & 1/18. Praying you can fix the sound track to match the devotional on the app.
While the new version is aesthetically improved, it has less functionality and fewer features. I miss being able to do a search for Daily Devotions or airings by topic. I also miss the additional content that was previously included, notably the magazine and special articles. At a minimum, it would be great if the search feature could be added back in for the included content.
I Miss the library of daily radio broadcasts in a list form! I have been listening to Dr Stanley for 30+ years now - love him, but this new app is not user friendly. I loved being able to see the list of daily radio broadcasts that would span at least a few weeks worth and choose to listen to them in any order. Now I can’t find but a few. I really liked the way the previous app was set up to listen to the radio and tv broadcasts. I’m really hoping you change it back. I used to listen to this app daily….now it’s too difficult to find anything, so I find myself not listening to it anymore. Very sad!!!!
Love the app! Just exactly what I wanted. Very nice job
I have been reading the online version for years and really enjoyed it until the last update. It is very frustrating when the daily scripture is read and you can’t follow along because you can’t figure out the translation Or it is an abridged version of whatever it is. I will be using the print version. The only reason I have it installed now is for the sermons he latest update
I have been reading the daily devotions along with the accompanying scriptures to read the Bible for a year. Since the launch of the new app, I can’t find a search to look for a specific day I left off with. Instead I’m scrolling between years back and forth between days. Is there an easier way to search or am I just not finding it? Thanks so much for the help!!!
I’m very disappointed that I can no longer view the app in landscape mode. I guess it works great on a phone, but I loved placing my iPad on the breakfast table and watching the video or listening to the audio hands-free. I hope you will fix that in future updates. The content is great, but for my tablet, not very usable.
Overall I like the changes to the app. There is a gap for I feel with the Daily Devotionals search. I want to see all Daily Devotions for October 2021 and see no way to get the app to display these results. It shows some devos from last year and this year in no particular order.
I relied so much on this app! But, now forced to use ‘vertical’ mode as opposed to landscape, well it’s unusable to me. :(
I’ve used the daily devotional for years and would feel lost without it. While the recent update corrected some issues, another important issue surfaced. I always share it with our granddaughter every morning however the share link now picks up the wrong one. It’s always the “ how to stay young” devotional
Sorry to say the new app version although it looks beautiful lacks some great features it had before. It doesn’t allow to choose previous daily readings in chronological order (for me that’s a must) and it can’t be use in landscape mode.
Don’t like new app
i like the new update except for not having the ability to choose which bible version i won’t to use. please add that in your next update and it would be a 5 star app
Thank y’all so much for fixing everything! I’m loving it! It will take a bit to get used to the New Style/setup! I’m definitely grateful for this app! I really wouldn’t know what to do if it ever quit working on me again! I Love You Dr.Charles Stanley! Good Bless you in every way possible!
Glory be to God! 🙏🏽
Dr. Stanley’s daily devotions are my first thing to do every morning. It appears that the app for iPhone and iPad have not been updated for a whole year. I would pay for this app if it worked as expected. It also calls to question that my voluntary contributions to InTouch are not really being directed into the ministry.
For me this app makes it easy to include great teachings on the word of God. By a man who loves God and serves the people.
I am so grateful for the teachings of Dr. Charles Stanley. After drifting for years though being saved, I have returned to the Lord and am so grateful for the ministry of in touch— guiding me back to God’s throne of grace through solid teaching and instruction. Praise God, and blessings Dr. Stanley and the workers in Christ at In Touch Ministries. 🙏✝️🙏❤️
I am not experiencing the issues mentioned in the reviews. I listen to the sermon podcasts without drop outs or quality problems. These must have occurred in earlier versions of the app.
I use this app everyday to watch or listen to Dr. Stanley’s teachings. It is a wonderful resource for my personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
The web app offers sermon outline, bible verses and a link to the sermon notes for the weekly tv program. I often find myself going to the second sermon then searching for the first so I can have these references. Please fix
This app is great,but though I have an iPhone 7 it still crashes. Sometimes,even with all other apps shut down I can’t even get to the devotional,so please fix. Thanks
I’m amazed anyone can watch or listen to anything with the number of complaints I’m seeing here. I don’t understand why this app is so problematic. I only listen to 3 things, two of which are the daily devotion and today on radio. Occasionally, the program will end and then start playing all over again. Happened on my iPhone 7 and now on my 11. Not a problem when I’m awake, but sometimes I have trouble sleeping and like to listen until I fall asleep. That’s hard to do when the audio randomly loops and I’m awakened by the loud intro music. I’ve emailed them directly about this for over a year and my pleas have fallen on deaf ears. I see somebody commented about the black icon a couple years ago and was told the feedback would be passed along to the team. 2 years later it’s still that depressing black. Don’t know why they felt the need to change from green. That was one of those useless happy to glad changes. My point: clearly they’re not listening to users. Anyway, will you please set the loop value to false so it stops looping. Other than that, the app is great. Thank you.
I have been using this app for quite a while and absolutely love it, but for the last several months the 24/7 radio stops playing after a few minutes. That was my favorite feature! It appears that I’m not the only one having this problem. Deleting and reinstalling doesn’t fix it. Can you please address this issue?
Can the crashing be fixed? Looks like the app has not been updated in 6 months. Now the “devotions” option on the side bar causes the app to crash when you select any day.
I agree with Nonie system crashes don’t have a complete story like we do on the radio love the ministry been with you 30 years. Please fix these technical issues and bring back the real radio podcasts as they are on the radio please. Love y’all looking forward to visit soon. Thank you for All you do in telling the truth about God’s Word !!!
24/7 keeps shutting down.
I love the preaching of Dr Stanley I used to use the app at night at before or during the day when I’m doing chores to listen to the 24/7 radio preaching. I liked hearing older sermons. Now whenever I turn it on it stops less than a minute into streaming, the same thing goes for the website. It’s so frustrating! Also please make some of the older sermons more accessible, like being able to listen to sermon series without having to search for them over and over.
Having an app like this is such a great thing. When all of a sudden life hits you with a punch you may be driving and can read the word and the radio is unreliable with commercials.... Charles Stanley has been the calm voice of reason in many of my life’s storms. I encourage people to download the You Version Bible app and search his name in the plans and do his Bible studies. Don’t forget to stay in the word- this app cannot be a substitute for the real deal but it is a great tool to have.
I just purchased the latest and newest iPad and figured the crashing of this app would stop upon doing so. But it is still a very annoying problem that I dealt with on my replaced iPad. Please know the three stars rating is not for content of the message, but for the app not being updated by now to fix this issue. Makes me not want to bother to attempt getting the devotional from Dr. Stanley because of the hassle of never knowing when the app will work and when it won’t.